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Contact Us
You can reach our web site 24-hours-a-day to find the latest
product information, product updates, and answers to common questions.
- For technical support contact us directly, E-mail:
- If you encounter a bug in the product, or you have any
comments, please report it by sending an e-mail:
- If you have any problems about ordering the product, or you
do not get your registration code in a timely manner or if you've lost it,
please let us know. Please include your name, address, email address, and
order confirmation number (if you have it). We are always glad to help you:
- Our products are distributed via internet. If you have a
website similar with this one, and want to exchange a link with us, please
send message to us use this email.
To get support by phone or fax, you can use the information
- Phone (US and Canada): 888-447-1175
- Phone (International): 801-444-2837
- Fax: 801-497-9456